About Us

Unleashing Your Inner Strength with Grrrilla Gang

In 2023, fitness enthusiasts Eric Villegas and Manoah Bonds saw an opportunity to weave their love for well-being and the natural power of gorillas into a fitness brand - thus, Grrrilla Gang was born. Our goal is to inspire you to reach your full potential and champion a lifestyle of health, positivity, and relentless progress.

We're not just any workout equipment brand. Grrrilla Gang is a community committed to the transformative power of fitness, not just on a physical level, but mentally and emotionally as well. We provide top-quality tools that power your workouts, enhance your fitness journey, and help reveal the inner strength within you.

But our mission doesn't stop at human fitness. With a name inspired by one of nature's most powerful creatures, we're committed to giving back. A portion of our profits goes towards gorilla conservation efforts and building schools in African communities, because we believe in the strength of education and protecting our natural world.

Join us, and let's make a difference together - in your personal fitness journey and in the world. Let's unleash the Grrrilla in you.